
A recent article by Jarred Schenke at Bisnow Atlanta indicates that more than 30 million square feet of office space has been abandoned due to remote work taking hold across the country. Despite the return-to-office trend, most companies have opted to retain remote work options. CBE Companies has adopted remote workers for call center operations, leading to enhanced productivity and work quality.


Hiring for Remote Work

When hiring for remote work, follow best practices to ensure you find the right candidate for the job. Ensure you are clearly defining the role and communicate the responsibilities and requirements in the job posting. Look for candidates with remote experience, as this can be an indicator that they have the necessary skills and discipline to work independently.

Communication skills are particularly important for remote work, both written and verbal. Consider including a written communication test in the hiring process to evaluate a candidate’s written skills and conduct video interviews to simulate face-to-face interactions and get a sense of a candidate’s personality and communication style.

It is also essential to assess technical proficiency since remote workers need to be comfortable with technology and able to troubleshoot issues on their own. Consider giving candidates a technical test to evaluate their proficiency with the tools and platforms they will be using.

In addition to evaluating technical and communication skills, assess whether a candidate is a good cultural fit for your organization. Look for team members who are aligned with the company culture and values. Include questions in the hiring process that will help you determine whether a candidate is a good fit for your organization’s culture.

Provide a clear onboarding process once you have hired a remote worker. This should include all the tools, resources, and information they need to be successful in their role, which will help them feel supported and get up to speed quickly. By following these best practices, you can ensure that you find the right candidate for your remote position and set them up for success.


Managing Remote Employees

Managing remote employees can present unique challenges, but there are several strategies that can help ensure their success. CBE incorporates a blend of software to measure employees’ productive capacities and digital communications methods that replaces face-to-face interaction. We recommend establishing clear communication channels and expectations, including regular check-ins and team meetings. Encourage the use of video conferencing tools to foster more personal connections.

  • Set clear performance goals and expectations and provide regular feedback on progress. Establish a system for tracking progress and sharing updates, which can help ensure everyone stays aligned and on track.
  • Create a positive and inclusive team culture, even in a remote setting. Encourage team members to get to know each other and build relationships, for example by holding virtual social events or informal team-building activities.
  • Support your remote team members by providing access to the tools and resources they need to do their jobs effectively. This may include technology support, access to training and development resources, or other forms of support to help them stay productive and engaged.

It is important to remain flexible to the needs of your remote team members. Recognize that they may be working in different time zones or have different work styles and be willing to make adjustments to accommodate their needs where possible. By implementing these strategies, you can help ensure the success of your remote employees and build a strong, productive remote team.


Remote Worker Productivity

Workers can create schedules that work best for them, eliminating commute times and allowing them to work during their most productive hours. Additionally, working remotely can mean fewer distractions. In a traditional office setting, employees may be interrupted by coworkers, loud conversations, and meetings. Working from home can eliminate these distractions, leading to increased focus and productivity.

Another factor that can contribute to remote worker productivity is autonomy. Remote workers often have more control over their tasks and projects, allowing them to take ownership of their work and work more efficiently. Additionally, advances in technology have made it easier than ever for remote workers to communicate and collaborate with their colleagues. With tools like video conferencing, instant messaging, and project management software, remote teams can work together seamlessly and stay connected.

To ensure productivity, establish clear expectations and accountability measures for remote workers. This may include regular check-ins with supervisors or team members, setting goals and deadlines, and monitoring progress. It is also important to consider work-life balance. Remote work can lead to improved work-life balance, which can increase productivity. When workers have more control over their schedules, they may feel more rested, energized, and focused during work hours.

Don’t forget to provide adequate training and support to maximize employee productivity. This may include access to technology and tools, as well as ongoing training and development opportunities.



It’s clear that remote work offers a level of flexibility that is highly valued. From the ability to hire from anywhere in the U.S. to the increased autonomy and control over one’s schedule, remote work provides a unique opportunity to balance work and life in a way that was previously impossible. Overall, the benefits of remote work cannot be understated, and it will likely continue to shape the future of work for years to come.